Keynote Speaker for an STTP on Women, Technology and Empowerment at NIT Raipur

This picture was taken from a talk as a #Keynote #Speaker on Women , Technology and Empowerment at #NIT #Raipur for a Short Term Training Program (#STTP). 

The program aimed at generating awareness about #women's #issues and how technology can be an enabler towards #empowerment. 

Spoke about #Global #Gender #Gap Index ranking of India and shared some statistics on sex ratio and on reason behind drop out of girl child in schools. Talked about Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2010. 

 Also talked about drop in #labour #force #participation and condition of rural women who do 80% of work but own 13% of land as a result of which they don't get insurance, loans, social benefits and their families don't get compensated in case of suicide by female farmers because she doesn't own land. 

 Shared various ways in which women can empower themselves by being #aware of various rights and laws regarding their personal life and workplace, staying abreast with latest trends in business and technology and being financially savvy. 

 Addressed #queries on problem solving, gender sensitization, startups for women, development of IT solutions for remote areas in vernacular language using voice based apps and development of Electronics & IT sector in Chhattisgarh.


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