
Showing posts from 2019

Form 2B for Contesting Elections to the Vidhan Sabha (Legislative Assembly)

Hi, Welcome to my Blog! Here are the details of the nomination papers one will need to file in order to contest elections. Form 2B: : To contest Vidhan Sabha (Legislative Assembly) election, one has to apply for nomination form 2B and an affidavit form 26 . Download sample Nomination form 2B from the link If you are contesting independently, you will need sign of 10 proposers who are registered voters of your constituency in your nomination form 2B. Screenshot attached below for reference. Form 26: Download sample affidavit form 26 from link Screenshot below for reference. These forms are available at the office of Returning Officer of the legislative assembly constituency. One has to pay a nomination fee to avail these forms. The fee amou...

How to Contest Vidhan Sabha Elections : A Beginner's Guide

Hi! Welcome to my Blog! Here is a brief guide on How to Contest Vidhan Sabha Elections (Legislative Assembly Elections). It covers the forms and permissions required during the 3 stages of contesting. Stage 1 Submission of Nomination Forms : To contest Vidhan Sabha (Legislative Assembly) election, one has to apply for nomination form 2B and an affidavit form 26 . These forms are available at the office of Returning Officer of the legislative assembly constituency. One has to pay a nomination fee to avail these forms. The fee amount is Rs 10,000/- for General category and Rs 5000/- for SC/ST candidates . The forms need to be duly filled and submitted within a date stipulated by Election Commission. Once these forms have been submitted, they are scrutinized. If the form gets approved , the candidate is ready to contest election. Often incomplete forms are rejected during scrutiny stage. For links related to nomination forms, check out my post titled "Form 2B for Contesting El...

Workshop: A Beginner's Guide to Managing your Career

Hello Readers, I'm excited to announce a workshop titled "A Beginner's Guide to Career Management" in collaboration with fellow experts, scheduled for May 16th in Raipur. This event is tailored for students and first-time job seekers. During this workshop, we aim to equip you with valuable knowledge to step confidently into the professional world. Topics covered will include effective job interview techniques, acclimating to a new job, projecting a professional image, financial management, skill acquisition, and networking strategies. To secure your spot, kindly complete this registration form and make the workshop payment. You can choose to pay digitally via UPI ID: atishab05@okicici or opt for in-person cash payment at the venue. For early registrants before May 12th, the special rate is Rs 500/- per person. After this date, the fee will be Rs 800/- per person. If you believe this workshop could benefit someone in your network, please s...

Keynote Speaker for an STTP on Women, Technology and Empowerment at NIT Raipur

This picture was taken from a talk as a #Keynote #Speaker on Women , Technology and Empowerment at #NIT #Raipur for a Short Term Training Program (#STTP).  The program aimed at generating awareness about #women's #issues and how technology can be an enabler towards #empowerment.  Spoke about #Global #Gender #Gap Index ranking of India and shared some statistics on sex ratio and on reason behind drop out of girl child in schools. Talked about Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2010.   Also talked about drop in #labour #force #participation and condition of rural women who do 80% of work but own 13% of land as a result of which they don't get insurance, loans, social benefits and their families don't get compensated in case of suicide by female farmers because she doesn't own land.   Shared various ways in which women can empower themselves by being #aware of various rights and laws regarding their personal life and workplace, staying ...

New Age Skill Academy

Welcome to New Age Skill Academy . We offer training and workshops in learning, innovation and power skills. Let us know which skill you would be interested in enrolling for. Kindly fill the following google form New Age Skill Academy For multiple skills, you can fill the form multiple times.Thanks What helps employees #thrive #at #work ? For India its Opportunities to learn new skills and Technologies. #Mercer #Global #Talent #Trends 2019 Report #Top #workforce #issue that concern Leaders? Lack of critical skills. #Mercer #Global #Talents #Trends 2018 Report

The Ride to Merapi

“But Atisha, you need to take a jeep tour to Mt Merapi,” said Bara, my private tour driver. I want to see the most active volcano of Indonesia even though my knees hurt from previous day’s excursion. It starts with a rocky uneven uphill drive. After a short while we reach the base and climb towards Bunker Kaliadem. My driver doubles up as a trick photographer. The mountain last erupted in 2010 and engulfed the nearby village. I leave from there feeling victorious and humbled. Vote for this story at

Updated Election Commission Link for Candidate Affidavits

Expenditure Submission during Vidhansabha and Loksabha Elections

#Expenditure #Submission for #Loksabha #Elections. Election expense related entries need to be maintained as follows in the booklet provided to candidates post acceptance of nomination. In the absence of timely submission, one can be barred from contesting next 3 elections. Receipts need to be provided for all expenses. #Pink page: Cash withdrawn from bank + material or money etc received from anybody else . Here bank account to be used is the one which has been opened specifically for election related expenses. #Green page: Enter all bank related deposits and withdrawals here. The bank account here refers to the one which has been opened specifically for election purpose. #White page: Enter all expenses whether in cash or kind or bank or online here.

The Sound of Rindik ( English)

I was tired. I had visited Prambanan, Borobudur, Ratu Boko, Mount Merapi and Mangunan in just three days. Walking up and down the stone stairs of the temples at UNESCO World Heritage Sites and ancient ruins of what was once a palace had started hurting my knees. The jeep ride to Merapi volcano that erupted few years ago had humbled my body and mind. The pretty photobooths at Mangunan forests were gram worthy. The vast green spaces were refreshing. The open minded and warm hearted conversations with strangers were uplifting. I could go home after that. But I didn’t. I had booked my flight tickets and hotel for Bali. The original plan was to spend three days at a resort in Ubud and two days at a beach hotel in Kuta. But I didn’t feel like changing hotels unpacking and packing my stuff all over again. I wanted to stay in one place. I needed rest. I am glad that I felt so. A volcanic Tsunami suddenly struck shores between Sumatra and Java islands. Alerts were issued to avoid going to...

चुनाव प्रचार हेतु आवश्यक अनुमतियाँ

#लोकसभा चुनाव में #प्रचार के लिए आवश्यक #अनुमतियां: प्रचार के लिए सभाओं, रैलियों का आयोजन करने से पहले अनुमति लेना आवश्यक होता है । वाहनों को कैनवसिंग के दौरान इस्तेमाल करने के लिए, मुद्रण और प्रकाशन के पर्चे, फ्लेक्स आदि छपवाने के लिए और सोशल मीडिया पर प्रचार के लिए भी। अब उम्मीदवार और राजनीतिक दल इन कुछ अनुमति के लिए सुविधा ऐप के माध्यम से आवेदन कर सकते हैं। चुनाव आयोग ने निर्देश दिया है कि इन अनुमतियों को 24 घंटे के भीतर अनुमोदित किया जाना चाहिए। सोशल मीडिया, टीवी, रेडियो, प्रकाशन और मुद्रण के लिए, MCMC - मीडिया प्रमाणन और निगरानी समिति से अनुमति लेनी होगी। विवरण के लिए आप डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं। इसी प्रकार उम्मीदवार, पोलिंग एजेंट, चुनाव खर्च, मतगणना एजेंट आदि के लिए संकलन और हैंडबुक हैं। इस YouTube वीडियो को Suvida ऐप के विवरण और इसके माध्यम से लागू होने वाली अनुमतियों के लिए देखें। अधिक जानकारी के लिए संपर्क करें।

क्या आप चुनाव लड़ना चाहते हैं ?

क्या आप चुनाव लड़ना चाहते हैं? फिर आपको अपना #नामांकन #पत्र जमा करना होगा। #फॉर्म #2A #नॉमिनेशन #पेपर लोकसभा चुनाव लड़ने के लिए भरा जाता है। अधिक जानकारी के लिए आगे पढ़ें| इस फॉर्म के साथ, एक शपथ पत्र जमा करना होगा। संदर्भ के लिए, चुनाव आयोग की वेबसाइट से मौजूदा लोकसभा सांसदों का हलफनामा डाउनलोड करें | वेबसाइट से नमूना फॉर्म 2A डाउनलोड करें। वेबसाइट से नमूना हलफनामा डाउनलोड करें। नामांकन पत्र के लिए आवेदन नामांकन शुल्क के साथ अपने निर्वाचन क्षेत्र के रिटर्निंग ऑफिसर के कार्यालय में जमा करें एवं विधिवत भरा नामांकन + शपथ पत्र उसी कार्यालय में जमा करें। नामांकन फॉर्म मंजूर हो जाने पर, आप चुनाव लड़ सकते हैं। लेकिन प्रचार और ऑनलाइन अभियान चलाने के लिए, आपको अनुमति की आवश्यकता होगी। अधिक जानकारी के लिए संपर्क करें।

Permissions required for Loksabha Campaign

#PermissionsRequiredForLoksabhaCampaigning: For on ground campaign, permissions are required before conducting meetings, rallies, for vehicles to be used during canvassing, for printing and publishing pamphlets, flex etc and for social media promotion. Now candidates and political parties can apply for some of these permission through Suvidha App. Election Commission has directed that these permissions should be approved within 24 hrs. For social media , TV, Radio, pamphlets publishing and printing , permissions need to be taken from MCMC - Media Certification and Monitoring Committee. For details you can download . Similarly there are compendiums and handbooks for candidate, polling agent , election expenditure, counting agent etc. #Loksabha2019 watch this YouTube video for the details of the Suvidha app and the permissions that can be applied through this app. #elections #canvassing #approvals #directives #publishing #pro...

Form 2A Nomination Paper for Contesting Election to the House of Lok Sabha

#Form-#2A-#Nomination #Paper for Contesting Election to the Lok Sabha (House of the People): This form will need to be submitted if you intend to contest Loksabha Election. Along with this form , an affidavit will be need to be submitted. Download affidavit of existing Loksabha MPs from the Election Commission Website Updated link Download sample form 2A from website Download sample affidavit from website Duly filled forms will need to be submitted to the Returning Officer of your constituency. Please share my post and spread this information.

The Sound of Rindik ( Bahasa Indonesia)

Saya merasa lelah. Saya telah mengunjungi Prambanan, Borobudur, Ratu Boko, Gunung Merapi dan Mangunan hanya dalam tiga hari. Berjalan naik dan turun tangga batu candi di Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO dan reruntuhan kuno yang dulunya sebuah istana mulai melukai lutut saya. Perjalanan dengan jip ke gunung berapi Merapi yang meletus beberapa tahun lalu telah melelahkan tubuh dan pikiran saya. Photobooth cantik di hutan Mangunan sungguh sangat layak Instagram. Ruang hijau luas menyegarkan. Percakapan yang terbuka dan hati yang hangat dengan orang-orang asing sungguh membangkitkan semangat. Saya bisa pulang setelah itu. Tapi saya tidak melakukannya. Saya telah memesan tiket penerbangan dan hotel untuk Bali. Rencana awalnya adalah menghabiskan tiga hari di sebuah resor di Ubud dan dua hari di sebuah hotel pantai di Kuta. Tapi saya tidak merasa ingin berganti hotel dan mengepak barang-barang saya lagi. Saya ingin tinggal di satu tempat. Saya butuh istirahat. Saya senang saya merasa begitu...